
Lists & Rankings

The Lünendonk lists are recognised market barometers and provide a quick overview of the most important players. We continuously focus on six of the service segments with the highest sales. The largest service companies in terms of domestic sales in the B2B service markets we have observed can be found at Lünendonk at a glance.
The rankings are available for free download.

Digital & IT

Lünendonk List 2023: Leading providers of Digital Experience Services in Germany

Digital & IT

Lünendonk Ranking 2023: Leading Internal IT Service Providers in Germany


Thomas Ball

Real Estate Services

Tobias Ganowski Lünendonk

Tobias Ganowski

Digital & IT:
IT Sourcing


Jörg Hossenfelder

Business Consulting,
Audit, Tax and Advisory

Lena Singer

Staffing Industry

Mario Zillmann

Digital & IT:
IT Services, Digital Engineering,
Digital Experience Services